by Michaela Bylsma 11/20/09
Beautiful hands, pierced with heartache
And drenched in brokenness.
He stands in silence,
Meditating on those hands.
Scarred and bloody, they reveal the passion
That fills them with healing.
He is searching for healing.
An antidote for his heartache.
A fire to be built under the passion
That remains in him through his brokenness.
He pleads with clasped hands,
But the only answer to his cries is silence.
A laugh pierces the silence
As a voice screams out against all healing.
He buries his head in his hands,
As the darkness throws all his heartache
In his face, longing to replace his brokenness
With bitterness and its own evil passion.
His flesh yearns to let go of his holy passion.
But his spirit urges him to savor the silence
And relish the brokenness.
To lift up his eyes unto the Center of all healing,
To endure the heartache,
And with thankful praise, raise his hands.
He looks again on those wounded hands,
Then reaches out with his own to grab hold of God’s passion.
It tells him that through his heartache
And the love to be found in the silence
He will find healing.
That it will come through his brokenness.
Oh, this overwhelming brokenness!
Yet not as broken as those hands,
Those wounds that bring him healing.
Showing the purest passion,
They gesture quietly in the silence
For him to embrace this heartache.
His healing will flow from those hands.
Bringing peace to the silence and fire to his passion,
They will mold his brokenness into something beautiful, redeeming his heartache.
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